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Pharmaceutical Grade PVPP

Product Name:Crospovidone
Chemical Description:Croslinked PVP,Crospovidone,Insoluble PVP,Pollyvinylpolypyrrolidone
Pharmacopeia Name:Crospovidone (Crospovidonum)
CAS NO.:9003-39-8,25249-54-1
Formula Structure:
Product Properties: Crospovidone is hygroscopic,insoluble in water and all other common solvents,but it swells rapidly in aqueous solutbition without any gel froms.Its; classified as Crospovidone Type A and Type B according to the different particle size.
Applications:In the pharmaceutical industry,Crospovidone are widely used as 1)Disintergrating agent,2)Stabilizer for suspension,3)Moisture Absorbent, 4)Complextant of Polyphenols and Tannin for the extract formulations.
Crospovidone Type A
Crospovidone Type B
White or yellowish-white powder or flakes
Meet ID Tests
Practically insoluble in water,in alcohol and in methylene chloride
Water- soluble substances
1.0% max
1.0% max
pH((1% in water)
5.0 –8.0
5.0 –8.0
Loss on Drying
5.0% max.
5.0% max.
Sulphated Ash
0.1% max.
0.1% max.
Nitrogen content
11.0 -12.8 %
11.0 -12.8 %
Impurity A
10 ppm max.
10 ppm max.
Peroxide(As H2O2)
400 ppm max.
1000 ppm max.
Heavy Metal
10 ppm max.
10 ppm max.
Particle Size(μm), ≥80%

Contact Us

Jiaozuo Zhongwei Special Products Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
Add:No.115,Xinyuan-Dong Road,Wen Town,Jiaozuo,Henan,454800,China
E-mail: sales@zw-pvp.com
International Business:
E-mail: sales@zw-pvp.com

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